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Some articles about Operation Protective Edge and the current situation in Israel

It is currently around midday in New York on July 10th and I thought it might be worth putting together a few articles about events in Israel which I have found interesting– I do not necessarily agree or disagree with the content, but I felt they were worth sharing.  This is by no means an extensive list, but it offers a variety of insights and opinions.
There is an introduction to each article so that you can read what you find interesting.

Rabbi Danny

Ten Questions and Answers about the current war in Israel
Shoshanna Jaskoll tries to help answer some of the main questions people might have about the current situation in Israel.

Hamas, is this the best you can do?
Marc Goldberg (who I spent a year in Israel with) writes about how he feels as a Jew and an Israeli about Hamas’ latest attack on Israel and her citizens.

Where is the outrage over the bombardment of civilians in Israel?
Arsen Ostrovsky (in a British newspaper) asks why there has not been more condemnation of Hamas in the international community.

Only in Israel, or only in Palestine?
Yuval Noah Harari considers some of the factors which mean that while most of the world is at peace, in the Middle East there is still tension and war.

Israel’s years of calm are over
Ari Shavit (author of My Promised Land) offers an insight into the causes of the latest escalation in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

To Israel’s critics
David Harris (Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee) writes a letter to the critics of Israel in light of the current situation and the escalation of rocket attacks from the Gaza strip. 

About Rabbi Danny

Rabbi Danny
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